North Shore Animal League America partnered with Yale University School of the 21st Century and the Cesar Millan Foundation to develop the Mutt-i-grees Curriculum, a groundbreaking program that links humane education and social and emotional learning (SEL). It brings North Shore Animal League America’s No-Kill mission to life through experiential, service learning to more than 4,000 schools and libraries across the country and in Canada. It is one of the few SEL programs spanning from PreK through high school. The program builds empathy, resiliency, and responsibility for self, others, animals, and the environment.

Our Story


Pilot Launch

Pilot Launch

Piloted in 35 schools of Yale University’s School of the 21st Century. Evaluations conducted validating its efficacy and impact.


National Conference Launches Program

National Conference Launches Program

The Mutt-i-grees Curriculum is launched at a national conference at Yale University and dissemination of the program begins.

First Resources Available

First Resources Available

The PreK – Grade 3 binder is available with lessons, resources, and activities to support five themes – Achieving Awareness, Finding Feelings, Encouraging Empathy, Cultivating Cooperation, and Dealing with Decisions.
Learn more



California-based educators attend a conference held at North Shore Animal League America in Port Washington, NY resulting in the adoption of Jeter, who worked in the school until his retirement in June 2019.


Expanded Resources through High School

Expanded Resources through High School

Binders for Grades 4 – 6, Grades 7 & 8, and High School are made available. All content builds on the five SEL themes – Achieving Awareness, Finding Feelings, Encouraging Empathy, Cultivating Cooperation, and Dealing with Decisions. Learn more


Beyond the Classroom – Libraries!

Beyond the Classroom – Libraries!

An ancillary program – Mutt-i-grees in the Library – is launched. More than 2,000 schools use the Mutt-i-grees Curriculum in the US and Canada. Learn more


Students to the Rescue!

Students to the Rescue!

The Mutt-i-grees Curriculum National Student Ambassadors program begins, with inaugural Ambassadors from AR, KY and OK representing students in their respective states. Mutt-i-grees Ambassadors work with schools and animal shelters in their community to advocate for shelter pets.

Growing Ancillary Resources – Fitness, Shelters, Felines

Growing Ancillary Resources  – Fitness, Shelters, Felines

Several supplemental programs – Cats Are Mutt-i-grees 2, Paws Down/Tails Up: Physical Fitness with Mutt-i-grees, and The Animal Shelter Guide to the Mutt-i-grees Curriculum – are developed, reflecting the expanded scope of the program.


Service Learning Supporting Shelters

Service Learning Supporting Shelters

Linkages between schools and animal shelters are formalized in context of Mission Mutt-i-grees, which integrates the Mutt-i-grees Curriculum with the Animal League America’s Tour for Life and other national efforts.


Mutt-i-grees School Dog Program Grows

Mutt-i-grees School Dog Program Grows

The School Dog Program which began in 2010 in Los Angeles, CA with one school dog adopted from the Animal League America is expanded to include 42 schools in New York City public schools. Schools in Arkansas, New Jersey, Connecticut and many other states follow suit.